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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

First of all, I would like to say I'm very grateful for the opportunity of being principal at Campbellsville Elementary School.


I appreciate every student, parent, staff member, community leader and all those who have welcomed me as a part of the CES family. The support this school community has for all its members is limitless.

Campbellsville Elementary School has shown a commitment to excellence and under my leadership will carry on its drive for perfection.


The CES staff will continue to go above and beyond with your help to see that our students are receiving an education that is second to none.

Just as we do every year, we will set our goals high because we know our students at CES will rise to their expectations.


As part of our Guidelines for Success, which the students recite daily, we start with "Education is the key to my success," and finish with "Success depends on my choices and actions."


Our students are clearly making the correct choices and taking the necessary actions to be successful.


With this success, Campbellsville Elementary School has become a power-filled team of "little eagles," and I remind myself daily, "It is truly a great day (and many future days to come) to be an EAGLE!!!